Sumber: Meriza Hendri, Sari Dewi Oktari Widyatama University, Bandung , ...
Meriza Hendri, Sari Dewi Oktari
Widyatama University, Bandung
Cibaduyut has been known as center of shoe producers. But, a lot of shoes from national or international company offered to Bandung people. Consequently, shoe industry has high competition but there is a small company offers JIF’s Brand. This micro enterprise is owned by a house wife. She has a unique marketing program to win competition and until now, she has loyal customers. Unfortunately, competitors had able to influence JIF’s customers. The goal of this research is to know and analysis how is the marketing program, customer loyalty and it’s influence on customer loyalty. Research objects are individual costumer of JIF’S. This study uses descriptive – verificative method with descriptive and explanatory survey. Sample is 50 customers. Path analysis is used to analyze data. Marketing mix gives positive influence on customer loyalty. Simultaneously, product, price, place and promotion influence customer loyalty of JIF’s. It’s too small with 17.8%. Based on analytical to this data, most of factors influence customer loyalty is personal of JIF’s owner. In a micro business, owner becomes the most important factor influence customers to buy products. Partially, price become the only one factors that influence customer loyalty. Product, place and promotion do not give influence.
Keywords: micro business, marketing mix, customer loyalty
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