Sri Astuti Pratminingsih and Meriza Hendri Widyatama University , Bandung , West Java , Indonesia Abstract The main ...
Sri Astuti Pratminingsih and Meriza Hendri
West Java , Indonesia
The main objective of this paper is to examine the engagement of small and medium enterprises in corporate social responsibility program. Small and medium enterprises represent the largest proportion of established business in Indonesia . Therefore, the role of small and medium enterprises towards the nation’s growth with respect to the economy, employment as well as Gross Domestic Product is very important. The research investigates the attention paid by small and medium enterprises to CSR issues, social activities promoted by the companies, and the motivation to adopt CRS behavior. The respondents are randomly chosen from the small and medium enterprise in Bandung . The finding reveals that small and medium enterprises attention to CSR issues and adoption of CSR behavior is quite high.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Small Business Enterprise
Paper ini dipresentasikan dalam IICIES ITB 2010, full paper bisa didapat dengan menghubungi Email:, Hp: 081322492555, PIN BB: 226DF7C4